Last Week in Photos vol.21
Chicago, Illinois, USA. I’ve leveled up!

All photos shot by Clayton Hauck with a Ricoh GRiiix

Last Week in Photos 021 in words:

The tastiest breakfast sandwich on my birthday morning while tweaking a treatment. Spring has sprung? The 606 trail. Moon as street light. Oscar Colas is on the way. Birthday Banquet. We booked a room at the Longman Inn. A beer at the bar. No vaping. Laters! Nothing to see here. Brad VendenBerg meeting at the studio to discuss Night Studio. A dumpster dropoff. Trash bags and flat tires next to a stash of e-scooters. Lighting inspiration peeking on my desk. Sapporo on the street in the shadows amid a sudden snowfall. Did they even predict snow tonight? Chance encounter with the neighbors. Z Auto Tech. Allison at the gaming table. Melissa and Bruce hosted us to a night of board games (I won!) then gifted us a plant clipping. Crazy cluttered yards on the walk to work. A mess of scooters. Allison makes bagels at home for the first time and they’re delicious. A mess of rubber bands in the street. Best Actor Brendan Fraser collecting his trophy while I clean the studio followed by a dark walk home on the trail while another storm front rolls into town.

See you next week.


022 (san diego)
